Why don’t sales on ShelfTrend match my eBay dashboard?

ShelfTrend’s reports show sales for listings that are highly ranked and currently live on the site. ShelfTrend does not present sales for ended listings.

Top 500 Live Listings Report shows the life time sales of a listing for up to the top 500 Best Match ranked listings.

Listings that fall below rank may not make it into your report. Modify your report criteria by keyword or category to capture those missing listings via a different angle.

For example, if your report criteria is: Top 500 Live Listings Report for “iPhone covers” but your high end leather iPhone case falls outside of rank, then in your next report, use more specific keywords such as “Leather ïPhone case” or other descriptors.

Another option is that you can run ShelfTrend reports by Item ID. Select the report and the country, then enter the Item ID into the Keyword field.